Math Small Groups

During math small groups, students will receive instruction in areas specific to their grade level or math domain. Following the instruction, students will practice their skills individually and with their peers to reinforce their learning. In addition to practicing math concepts, students will also receive instruction in math vocabulary to build their understanding of math content. For students who are in need of fact fluency, time will also be devoted to practice with math facts. These sessions will be adapted for each grade level so that students are working on developmentally appropriate assignments and exploring math concepts that match their needs with past content as well as the upcoming school year.

Please see below for more information, including schedule, pricing, and format.


  • Rising 5th Grade

    Session 1 - Wednesdays: July 12, 19, 26, August 2
    6:30 PM

    Session 2 - Wednesdays: August 9, 16, 23, 30
    11:00 AM

    Topics of study: place value, operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals, numbers and operations with fractions, geometric measurements, and more!

  • Rising 6th Grade

    Session 1 - Tuesdays: July 11, 18, 25, August 1
    6:30 PM

    Session 2 - Tuesdays: August 8, 15, 22, 29
    11:00 AM

    Topics of study: ratios, rational numbers, expressions and equations, area, surface area, volume, and introductory statistics (mean, median, mode, range), and more!

  • Pre-Algebra

    Session 1 - Mondays: July 10, 17, 24, 31
    6:30 PM

    Session 2 - Mondays: August 7, 14, 21, 28
    11:00 AM

    Topics of study: factors and multiples, patterns, ratios and rates, percentages, exponents, order of operations, variables and expressions, equations and inequalities, proportional relationships.

  • Algebra 1

    Session 1 - Thursdays: July 13, 20, 27, August 3
    6:30 PM

    Session 2 - Thursdays: August 10, 17, 24, 31
    11:00 AM

    Topics of study: equations and inequalities, units of measurements and conversions, linear equations and graphs, systems of equations, inequalities, functions, sequences, absolute value, exponents, and radicals.

Small Group Details

Please review the following information about small group classes:

  • All sessions will be virtual to allow for maximum flexibility for families.

  • Course sessions include four classes, each one hour long.

  • The cost for a session with 4-7 students will be $120. The cost for each session with 8-10 students will be $100.

  • There is a minimum of four students needed for a course to run.

  • Each course will be capped at ten students.

  • Students may register for more than one course and more than one session of the same course. Each session will feature unique material.

Please complete a separate form for each student you would like to enroll. completing registration, we will review your student's information and be in touch to confirm registration, share Zoom information, and gather payment.

If you would like to enroll your student(s) but the scheduled times do not work, please email us. We can develop personalized small groups that work with your schedule!

We look forward to working with students this summer!